Head Shots/Portraits
Ideal for: Company Teams, Models, Actors, Real Estate Agents, Business Owners, Students, LinkedIn users, and more!
Professionally Captured & Retouched Digitally!
NOT like those ugly passport photos!

Single Retouched Headshot
- Up to 30 minutes Studio Time
- Professional Photographer
- Studio Flash + Camera
- Neutral Grey Backdrop
- 1 image/ Pose selected
- Single Subject
- Retouching + Beauty filter
- Colour & Black & White
- Sized for social media/ Ads
- No Watermarks
Variety Headshots
- Up to 60 minutes Studio Time
- Professional Photographer
- Studio Flash + Camera
- Solid Colour Backdrop
- 6 images/ Poses selected
- Up to 2 outfits
- Single Subject
- Retouching + Beauty filter
- Colour & Black & White
- Sized for social media/ Ads
- No Watermarks
Corporate Team
(starting at $999)
- Up to 80 minutes location time
- Professional Photographer
- Studio Flash + Camera
- Full Resolution
- 6+ subjects in total
- All photos provided
- several images on solid grey
- several images in environment
- Retouching + Beauty filter
- Colour & Black & White
- Sized for social media/ Ads
- No Watermarks